Pre-start Health and Safety Review

PSR’s are required when new equipment or modified equipment are introduced into the workplace. The workplace and work procedures are reviewed by a professional engineer who is familiar with the equipment and processes that is able to verify the general conformity with the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and Safety Act of Ontario and the Regulations for Industrial Establishments.

In addition to the general construction and application of the new machine, the review includes a verification of equipment and workplace conditions, taking into account the influence of the particular situation as it relates to the well-being/safety of the workers. The inspection will take into account all influences to that work cell as they appear at the time of the review.

The review is carried out in accordance with Professional Engineers Ontario’s guideline for Professional Engineers providing reports as required by regulation 528/00 amending section 7 of regulations for Industrial Establishments, Regulation 851 of the Ontario Occupational Heath and Safety Act.

The PSR will be concluded with a report outlining, deficiencies and a determination of requirements to reduce risk, as they may exist. Final documentation includes a Safety Review Letter of Conformance which will be prepared, once the deficiencies are rectified and safety devices are demonstrated.

Please contact us with your questions or to book your health and safety review